Artist Spotlight: Markenzy Julius Cesar

Now on Display at the Monocle for the month of August.

Markenzy Cesar is a painter who was born in Haiti. He has lived in the United States since 1987. In 1993, he moved from Long Island, New York, to Buffalo to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the State University of New York College at Buffalo. Cesar came to feel a connection to the region and has built a life in western New York.

Artist statement: As an artist, my goal is to capture that singularity, like stopping to smell a flower’s fragrance.  For example, I remember in the house I grew up in Haiti, there was a room with spaced skylight windows - motley colored glass. When the sunlight hit them, it was like being inside a church. I found it strange that I seemed to be the only one enamored by them. I would climb onto the roof regularly to remove the dirt from them. In a way, that’s what I want to communicate with others when it comes to my art… the intrinsic beauty our world contains. 

Q&A With the Artist:

What was the inspiration for your pieces?

  • It’s two things. First, it is my childhood in Haiti and reliving some of the memories I had there. The second is the mundane moments in life that we don’t take time to notice. For instance, I was driving behind a Pepsi Cola truck and I took time to appreciate this iconic Pepsi logo and whoever designed it. When I got home I made a painting of the rear of the Pepsi truck with its logo. 


What is your technique when creating?

  • I see myself as a set director. I’ll have an idea that can come from the most obscure places and I’ll scour the internet for reference materials. I’ve used myself and family members as stands in. Lately I’ve been purchasing reference materials for artists. I use an app to cut and paste and change background colors and such. I’ll project the image on a canvas and then I’ll start painting. I paint in stages because oil paint takes time to dry. So instead of waiting I’ll start a second painting.  


What is your favorite and least favorite part about professional art?

  • The business is my least favorite part as an artist but it is necessary so I can keep doing what I love. 

    Meeting and connecting with the people who invest their hard earned money in my intangible art piece is my favorite part. I also look forward to talking about art and meeting other artists. 

What is your go to work playlist?

  • My playlist consist of every genre of music from rap to country music and everything in between. When I do get bored I would pop in an audio book for variety. I like spy novels and the Jack Reacher and Jack Ryan series. 


Who are your biggest artistic influences?


I’m a painterly painter so I’m a big fan of John Singer Sargent and Diego Velazquez. I’m starting to dig Bo Bartlett because we seemed to have a similar palette and theme. Another contemporary artist that I like is Nick Alm. I’m also inspired by Clifford Still, Mark Rothko, Franz Kline, Robert Motherwell, Kerry James and Haitian brother from another mother Jean-Michel Basquiat. 


If you hadn't been an artist what would you be?

  • I would try to be a soccer player, an electronic engineer, fashion or interior designer.


If you ruled the world what would your first order of business be?

  • I think making everyone aware how stupid and selfish when we are thinking only about what’s good for us and our people. We must acknowledge that we are all in the same boat and all that everyone in the boat really wants is to be loved and feel important and needed. We can do that for each other. 

What is your dream project? 

  • It would be to install 100 gleaming toilet bowls at the Louvre or at the National Mall. You’ll be provided with a piece of paper and on it you are encourage to write your fears and anything that’s holding you back from being your authentic self. Then you’ll crumple the paper and place it inside the toilet bowl. When you close the lid that we’ll signify that you are done with this problem and you are going to do something about it. The suggestion will be to talk to a confident first and hopefully that person will help you keep this covenant. 


Day at the Beach

