Wallpaper Picks and Tricks

Wallpapers are a fan favorite with Michael P. Design. Let's explore some of our designers top picks and talk all things install, color choices and where to use wallpaper for unique and effective design.



Have an expert measure how much you'll need and don't install it by yourself. You'll thank us later.


Find colorways within your furniture and room. It doesnt have to be a perfect match, but by having bits of color accents the wallpaper will better flow with the balance of the space. Youll want to focus on tones meaning cool and warm, this will aid you in creating a feel of the space. If you're someone who loves the glam, aim towards jewel tones and if you want a homey living area, go with yellows and oranges for the cozy space you dream of.


Keep the scale in mind. Some designs are smaller and would be better fit for a small space, others have larger expanded patterns that have a huge impact on how they appear in the room.


Pick something that fits your personality. Each of our designers own taste shines through in their wallpaper picks and so should yours. Always go with the ones that make you excited!



Michael P.- Hierarchy 'Blush' by Divine Savages

Hierarchy celebrates the intricately carved stonework that adorns the exterior of London’s Natural History Museum to create a striking wallcovering full of architectural splendour as well as the incredible natural world. The gargoyles featured here are not grotesque or of mythological form, but rather intricately carved animals, with a proud lion taking centre stage.

Photo Courtesy Divine Savages


Courtney- Idle Diversions-A - Andy by Red Disk


Idle Diversions contains several doodles from among thousands created by Charles E. Burchfield during his lifetime. Burchfield explained, “Doodling, in my case, is a free exercise in abstraction, unpremeditated and therefore not a conscious expression since they are done at a time of some other activity. It is a compulsive sort of thing: if I have a pencil in my hand, there may be doodles all over envelopes, magazines, or whatever happens to be at hand.” Nature was his primary source. His imaginative doodles play on wildflower blossoms, roots and tendrils, sprouting trees, croaking frogs, moths and insects, birds, a crescent moon, wind direction, sparkling stars, and ambient sounds. Symmetrical doodles have the appearance of curious creatures about to hop off the paper. These “seemingly idle diversions” provided abstract motifs for his “serious pictures,” and continue to amuse us today.


Image Courtesy Red Disk*


Cari- Indigo Garden by Schumacher

The billowing trees, cascading hilltops and rippling lakebeds of Indigo Garden in indigo-and-gold create an enchanting and transportive background for a room. Noomi Spange designed this hand-painted wallpaper pattern for Scandinavian heritage brand Boråstapeter.

Image Courtesy Schumacher


David- Safari Soirée 'Forest Mist' by Divine Savages

Divine Savages takes the lead from the party animals in their Toile inspired wallpaper design - Safari Soirée. Featuring a mischievous cast of divine savages this elegant yet playful design will bring character to any room.


Photo Courtesy Divine Savages

Tyler- Amsterdam Collection by Mind the Gap

From the Histoire de L'Architecture Collection: Wonderful imagery was selected to create this stylish wallpaper collection. Architectural symbols and geometric designs are the main ingredients of this collection, which is suitable for any interior type.

Photo Courtesy Mind the Gap


Coconut Curry Ceviche Tacos


Triumph & Disaster