Artist Spotlight: Ani Hoover

Ani Hoover is our December artist in residence!

Andrea Wenglowskyj Photograhy


Ani Hoover is a fiber artist and painter who hails from St. Joseph, Missouri. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting from Missouri State University and her Master of Fine Arts from American University. Though her early career primarily consisted of painting, she has since focused more exclusively on fiber work, sculpture and installations using recycled and unconventional materials. [1] Her recent work has also been influenced by DIY culture and particularly her grandmother's old craft magazines. [2] Her pieces explore these traditional techniques of sewing, crochet, quilting and weaving, but on a larger scale and more contemporary context. [3]

Hoover's work has been featured in exhibitions regionally and nationally and is included in collections at the Burchfield Penney Art Center, Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo Seminary and Roswell Park Cancer Institute, among others. [4] 

[1] Ani Hoover, Artist Statement, Burchfield Penney Artist File.

[2] Ani Hoover, Artist Statement, Burchfield Penney Artist File. 

[3] Ani Hoover, Artist Statement, Burchfield Penney Artist File. 

[4] Ani Hoover, Artist Resume, Burchfield Penney Artist File. 


Q&A With Ani

What is the biggest inspiration for your pieces?

Inspiration varies all the time, it comes from big experiences and small ones. Currently I spend a lot of time thinking about how we gather information, 


What is your technique when creating?

I’m a “technique” jumper.  I like to try different approaches, materials and techniques the most in my art practice  Literally, my favorite technique is “to try a different technique”  Despite my jumps in technique a few things usually remain–Love of color, mark making or “patterning” and I have fondness for unconventional materials 


What is your favorite and least favorite part about professional art?

My favorite thing about being an artist is also my least favorite thing.  I love that artmaking is a solitary experience. But being alone too much can also create issues too.  Finding a balance being being solitary and being around other people is key. 


What is your go to work playlist?

For years I listened to NPR programming while in the studio but the pandemic changed that. Or maybe that changed a bit before the Pandemic….just too much bad news was happening so I had to change.  Now I listen to a combo of music, audiobooks and podcasts.  When I need motivation I’ll either listen to pop music, esp. Pink and Beyonce. I’ve been known to put on meditation music if I need to clear my head and If I just want to plow through the day I’ll put on something like “dad rock” or “work time music” from one of the streaming services. .


Who are your biggest artistic influences?

My mom and grandmother will always be my biggest influences.  There was always something different being made….could be soap, or an afghan, maybe a doll. That’s where I get the “maker’s passion”.  Among my favorite artists at the moment are Sam Gilliam (painting, sculpture), Katie Stout (sculpture, furniture), Brian Rochfort (ceramics), Ambroise Degeneve (jewelry) and Vanessa German (sculpture).  I am constantly looking at folk and self taught artists, I have many favorites bug among them are, Ellis Ruley, Maud Lewis, and Niagara Fall’s own Profit Isaiah (Isaiah Henry Robertson)


If you hadn't been an artist what would you be?

Well that’s a tricky one because being an artist isn’t always defined as “making a living”.  Job wise, there are lots of jobs I wouldn’t mind having but at the end of day I’ll always make art.  Right now, if I was to “add” other things to my plate I’d add textile designer, paint color namer and archaeologist to my repertoire. If I had done things differently I might have become a dentist.  I know that sounds weird, but dentists spend a lot of time drilling holes and filling them in….kinda like how artists do when they create art.  


If you ruled the world what would your first order of business be?

Cats would rule my world. Eating meat would be discouraged, healthcare would be a human right and truth would reign supreme. The first thing I would do would be to untangle America’s medical system from employment…It’s way too arbitrary now and discourages artists and entrepreneurs to follow their chosen path.

What is your dream project?

I’d like to work on an Artist environment….I’d like to work on a whole house and yard. I’d fill it all with colors and patterns.  That would be amazing. 


Tortellini Soup


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