Artist Spotlight: Sherry Arndt


About the Artist

Sherry Arndt proudly resides in Buffalo New York with her daughter Rhea.  Born in Erie Pennsylvania as an Army Brat, Arndt quickly learned to adapt to many moves from country to country and city to city.  With the ever-changing landscape of location, personalities and cultures, she became interested in the psychology of the human experience.  In 1998, Arndt obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania.  This interest and love of the human experience has parlayed into her artwork as you see it today. 

In 2009, Arndt began her journey into the art world working with international artists and mentor, Mark DiVincenzo.  In 2015, shortly after giving birth to her daughter, Arndt started to show her work professionally.  She has shown her work in the United States as well as Canada.

Throughout a ten-year process of learning, researching and experimenting, Arndt developed an unconventional technique to her abstract work.  Her paintings are typically vibrant, multilayered and textured.  Arndt builds depth and dimension in her abstract paintings by layering paint with other material, such as sand, glass and textured mediums.  The final step of this process is to pull away paint to reveal parts of the underpaintings.  The results are somewhat unpredictable and leave a cracked surface that illuminates a “behind the scenes” view.  Arndt’s paintings are tied to her original love of psychology in that they aim to be not only beautiful, but also to speak to the damage and history that we all hold behind the facade that we present to the world.  


Q& A With Sherry

What is the biggest inspiration for your pieces?

Nature and the human experience 

What is your technique when creating?

I use Multiple layers of paint and texture.  Some layers are left, some are pulled away and some are added in the end to bring the painting into harmony. 

What is your favorite and least favorite part about professional art?

Favorite:  All the interesting and creative people I get to meet!  Least favorite:  the process of transporting art 🤣 

What is your go to work playlist?  

Yes!  The Lewis Del Mar station on Pandora 

Who are your biggest artistic influences?

Gerhard Richter and many other abstract expressionist artist

If you hadn't been an artist what would you be?

I have a degree in Psychology but started a career in medical sales.  I hope to one day be a full time artist. 

If you ruled the world what would your first order of business be?

Create acceptance and kindness  

What is your dream project?  

Oh boy, this is a tough one.  It would involve a large scale painting and collaboration with other artist.  


Blankets for Fall
